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...Adam vs Kris ...

They interviewed each other.. See, they're quite close & cute too ;D

...A.Idol Tour...

Hey peeps,

Check it out!
The 10 AI finalist rehearsing for the Idol tour :-}

...R.I.P. MJ ..

No matter you are BLACK or WHITE, everyone does have their CHILDHOOD... YOU ARE NOT ALONE when we're all trying to HEAL THE WORLD...


the way you move with the BILLIE JEANs

... yet this all will be HISTORY.

Sure you are not just A STRANGER IN MOSCOW, you are a legendary

King Of PoP....

& There's none of us will BEAT IT....

My All Time favorite :-

* * * *

17yrs ago. I remembered I watched your music video on MTV ( via Satellite ). I was amazed by your voice,your moves, your songs and your style. You are so different than others. Your dance movement has also inspired by my 2 brothers ( at that time, they were 5 & 7). I explained to them, and let them understand your music. They really liked it and love it until they actually copied your dance movement(Moonwalker especially)... My dad has a home video recorded when my 2 brothers sang and dance ( You Are Not Alone -sang by my 5 yro brother / Bad -dance by 2 of them ) + the exact movement copied/followed in your video clip (Dangerous)...Amazingly it turned out very similar.. hehehhe Oh so cute!
In year 1992, we had a trip to LA. And there, my brothers kept on asking me to look for your poster/T-Shirt/Music...etc You really got a strong impact towards them at that time =D. While we were resting at the hotel room ( in Pebble Beach Resort,CA ), you were on the telly (MTV).. My 2 brothers were screaming like hell!!! Enjoying and happily follow your dance AGAIN!!! Even in the bus on our way to Nevada, they kept on sing and sing and sing........ geeweez!!! Those were the memories I can't forget!!
Today.They have grown bigger and bigger.... don't think they can show me the MJ moves... HAHA But they still love your song (You Are Not Alone).....

I don't want to judge how bad people are criticizing you about the 'Weirdo Jacko'. We don't know who you really are.. You have your own reason for doing what you wanna do... Why you doing that? I don't know. But today, those people that ever spit a bad mouth about you, I believed they're feeling sad too and how sorry they are..

Goodbye Micheal.
God Bless You.
May Your Soul RIP.
29/08/1958 - 25/06/2009

...He's 39 Today..

Dearest Amore,

Sometimes I'm absentminded,
Sometimes I'm kind of cross,
Sometimes I maybe act as if I think that I'm the Boss :p
Sometimes I'm kind of quiet,especially when I'm worried,
Sometimes I'm just plain stubborn when I think I'm being hurried,
Sometimes I act a little spoiled,
Sometimes I'm moody, too
But there's one thing I always am
And that's in Love with you!

Happy Birthday my Amore...

...She's Got Talent...

Francesca's favorite song EVER!!!
Check it out!!!

Mulan - Reflection
( Artist - Francesca )

( Original Artist )

...Daughtry ...

Morning everyone.... just wanna share a good music by Daughtry - :D

...Cooks on LKV..

Hi peeps,
In case you didn't watch your Idol last week... Here you go...

ps: David, I think you've put on weight. ..hehe Better watch out that =D



...Lambert News!...

Adam News...for sharing :}
I know, It's never ENUFF! =D

This morning. Head back home after sending Francesca to school & parked the car outside. Saw my amore standing at the door, and say " Look at the tree". So I looked, I saw an empty bottle... 'Ah? What?" There's nothing!" He said" How possible? Look closely and properly." So I got closer to where I park.....
Terperanjat! Terlompat skijap! ...
And shouted "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Yikes"
Then went closer and closer... I'm like... wow!! I didn't realised it at all, I was passing thru this animal few second ago...... and how closed it was!!!!!!!!! OH shite!!!!
It's ok. It's dead!
My amore told me, he wanted to go outside for awhile, suddenly he saw something moving, and this snake actually coming towards him, to go inside the entrance door!!! OH Man!!! What a lucky he saw it!!! Kalau inda, I dunno!!!! Just can't imagine!!!
Then he quickly take the broom (which is close by), and ran with the snake... Run, Catch, Catch & Run... until the drainage... and he got it!! Smack on it's head, crushed and die!
Punya lah seram!!! oh my oh my!!! This is the longest snake that we ever catch! Scary!
I don't wish to see 'unexpected' spices coming to the house anymore... too many already ever since we're here :{
Go Away. Go Away.

To All,
Wonderful & Sexy
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dada, Dad, Papi . .

Happy Father's Day.

For my beloved Daddy,
Thank You for everything! ...
Your unconditional Support,
Your Understanding,
Your Guidelines,
Your endless Love,
And thanks just being 'YOU'...

...Access Hollywood!...

.... Oh, So cute... He even has a fans of a Lil boy...
..Adam, Can I go shopping with you? =D Heheee

...Had a BAD Day!...

After writing about 'the 1st Day @school' ... I was so excited to see her reaction and can't wait to hear what's she going to tell me. I went out around 10-ish... got my groceries done... Reached her school earlier, so I sat and wait and peep her in the classroom.

She did not mix with other kids, she's on her teacher's lap sitting and talking.... Oh well, it's her 1st day, I can't aspect everything gotta be the 'A'.... never mind!

Bell rings!! Riiiiiiiiinnnnng~~~~~~~~~!

I opened the door and I saw her wit ha sour face! :{ I asked her why? Then she replied "Mamma, where were you? I've been looking for you, the teacher said you go pee pee". I smiled!
Mamma : I was outside talking to another teacher about your school.
Fra: But I missed you already, why don't come sit with me?
Mamma: Ok. Tomorrow I'll sit with you, ok?
Fra: But, I don't like the school. And I dont want togo to school tomorrow!
Mamma : Alamak@!!@!@@@@###!!! Only the 1st day! *sabar*

So in the car, while driving back home. We continued to talk. Talk punya talk! BANG!!! WhoopS!!
I bang people's car! Dammit!!!!!!!!!! Yea I know my fault! Was at the roundabout junction, I saw on my right there's no car around, so I assumed the car in front of me will drive & go without stopping, tapi he stop lah pula. So emergency break......and BANG!

Shite!! BIG Shite!Bad Luck!Bad Day!

Got home. Cooked lunch for francesca. Wake husband up. Explained. Got cuci telinga a bit!
Without wasting my time, I drove out and go to the police station for insurance purposes. .. Summoned RM300. Was there making report at 1.30pm... Dont around 2pm. But need to wait another officer for his signature!! OH man!!! I have already a bad day, and now I have to wait!!!!
Got his signature at 3.40pm! Bloody Hell! Now I was asked to ready few documentation tomorrow for me to get another report!!!!!!!!!!! PHEEWIT!!! THIS IS SUPER - DUPER BAD BAD DAY!!!!!Why just cant the previous officer tell me to get ready such documents while I am waiting this bloody signature officer!!!!!!!!!!! Buat banyak kerja saja!!!!!!!!!!! I hate people like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*

Got home. Shower. Rest. @6.30pm went to work. I'm stoned! I'm tired!My back hurts!My lens dry... no mood to work! But have no choice lah!
Time checked @9pm. I wish to go back home and sleep... Received phone call from Hubby..His car keys left inside the car..... very clever!!!! Sudah lah bad day!!!!!! Now tambah lagi his one!!!! He asked me to take the spare key in the house and bring the key to him in Telipok!!!!!!!!!! MATAI lah!!!!!!!!! Sabar!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But have no choice!!!!!!!!!!
I'm about to go out from the restaurant, phone rang. He said, 'no need, we managed to open the car'............. Oh, relief for a moment@!@@@@#
So I don't need go back to work, drove home............ Francesca was already asleep in the car, and myself...got my shower done then..........crawl on the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!! And forget the problems for awhile!!!!!!!!!! Nite Nite!
A good day to remember........ Mid date, Mid Month & Mid year of 2009.

...1st DAY @school....

Just came back from sending my girl to school...
This morning, as it was raining so heavy ... There I was still cuddling / snuggling with my blanket thinking of how am I going to send her to school with the rain like this? Still eyes closed with Q in my mind.... WORRIED! Shite, I hate this happen! I know I cant blame to the weather.. School Day & still have to face it! So I actually got up a lil bit earlier b4 my alarm. That's a good sign :} Woke her up, she's like giving me a big smiling face....... :-) Then I asked her " you know where you're going today?" and she's answered " Yes, Mamma...to school" Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh " Konon!!! So at least she got up with good mood. Relief!

Wash her face, brush her teeth, change clothes, ready food for her snack later at school, tie her super messy hair (tiba2 I found out 1 part of her front hair very sticky, smelled?? like a candy or something sweet..) Tension!! Kasih basah & wipe it up! OK. She's ready. Time checked 7.20AM....Good sign, not bad!!!!! hehehee sempat lagi she ask me to switch on Cartoon ....

Rain has stop for an hour, Good sign AGAIN! I don't want to carry so many things!!!! Worried bah tu kan.. hehehhee

So, mummy is ready too.
Time checked. 7.40AM Bertolak......................

@School. She's ok. Went in to her classroom, there's a few kids already in there playing... Teacher Majorie quite a nice person. She lead Francesca and she follow. I stood there for awhile and observed. She kinda like in distance to the other kids, she looked around, observed, and no talking. She wanted to play other things and doesn't want to play the same toys with them. . .
I am in silent!!! Let her be..................

School bell's ring!!!!!!!!!!
All the children are in line outside the school hall. Singing. Greetings. All are in English, Malay & Chinese. Good one!
I have not been singing 'NegaraKu" & Sabah Tanah Airku" for a LONG LONG time...... hehehee
you know what I mean??? Long time, until I tent to forget few wordings..... hahahhaa
She doesn't follow... she dont sing, dont move... she asked me to 'dukung' lagi!!! Adedededeh....
She said " I don't know how to sing!" ... "I dont know how to move".... Alasan!!!! Let her be...........
She doesn't want to stand in line like other kids. In fact, she's more interested watching people playing 'basket ball' from the other school.... haiii yahh not paying attention at all!!!!!!!! Biarkan!!
So finished singing & greetings!!! Back to the classroom.

She followed. Good Sign!
I watched and stood there for awhile. She still doesnt want to follow. She actually knew few songs that the Teacher has sang, I guess it's just 1st Day for her, and a bit shy.. lah bah kan!!!!!!!
I'm like..? Am I going to stay here until 11.30AM???? hmmmm maybe for awhile. So I seat outside nearby her classroom... can hear they sing.... so I go have a peep... few times.... hmmmm lama lagi nih mau tunggu!! Time checked. 9.12AM. ALAMAK!!!

I feel something is wrong... I think 'I Bocor!'...................... check!!!!!!!!!!! shit, damm, silaka!!!!!
Tidak ku sedari, period bah!!! Cis!!!! Not a Good Sign!!!! So what am I going to do??? sit here??? Ask for the teacher if they have a pad for me???? Come on, Im not gonna to that!!! NVM....
Got to go back home, Clean & Change!!!! So I speak to her teacher, do you think she's gonna cry?
HAHA... what a Q. She's like... "No, Dont worry!!" Ok I am Worried!!!!!!!!
So I just GO!!!

At home now...and it's 10.00AM.... I think it's a Good Sign. My girl gonna be fine!!!!!!!!!!!
And it's her snack hours at school.
I'm going out very soon, to buy some Fruits, Coffee and etc..... then gonna fetch her.............
See.....3hours without your child it's like............ Freedom??? HAHAHA... not for me, maybe I worried TOO much!!!! I hope this feeling will go after a week school. So at least I can do my own stuff and find something better for my own :}

Enuff for now.
To be cont.


Should I or Shouldn't I be nervous??? My girl is going to school for the very first time tomorrow.. Apalagi!!! si Mami nih, sibuk betul mengurus schedule!!!! What food for her bring to school, I know the school provide food too, but by looking at the menu... hmmm adult pun pandai turned off!!!! so si Mami have to sacrifice la sikit :}
I don't know if every mother does 'Kan Jiong' like me.... course they do, kan?
Tomorrow would be the FIRST day in 4 yrs for me to wake up as early @6.30AM............? HAHA And also for my girl in 3years and 7months in her life!!! HAHA .... Our wake up time is like, the earliest (only when Mamma got something to do...) err @9AM..and the Latest @11.30AM!!!!
Phewwww who can challenge???? 3 of us ( anak - beranak ) YUP... LOVEEEEEE to sleep!!! hehehehe


Will update tomorrow.
Bed time now... which is way too early for ( ME & My girl ) too ... hehhehee
Everything have to RE-schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Super cool video!!!! Love It.....Love It...Love It!!!!!!!!!!!

So I run, hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again

I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run, start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tear myself up (so I run)
I'll start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name)

I will disappear

...No more shockin' ...

Glambert guy had his Interview with David Bowie recently... Main topic is about 'What-else'?= = !His Gay! Come on people, give him abreak & a respect for what he is! I know there will be a Million Billion Zillion of women out there are Heart Broken .. but hey, it's not End Of The World....
"Woman?? Hehehe Who's the lucky one?? I don't know???"....says the Bi-Curious . . .
Ha Ha ... you think there's a chance for woman? we'll see . . . . .
Please don't hate me... it's just a sharing =D

Who Am I Talking about.........??? HAHA... You're damm Right!!!!
In case you have missed his performances
during his journey in AI8...
Here are all the video...
Click.. Click... Click
& ENJOY!!!

...'New Divide'...

Linkin Park Fans...
Here is their Brand New Video...
Stupendo..Superb... & always be !!!

Linkin Park – “New Divide”

...WHO is HE? ? ?

Adam Lambert AGAIN! ~!~!
We all know that He is Gay!!! Fact is Fact!!! He is who He is~!!!!! Ever wonder who is his Boyfriend...? Is he a Girlfriend to this Guy, Or Is he a Boyfriend to this Guy.........? HAHA.... Whatever........ I guess it's the same...? Pheewitt!! His man was so cute too.... mati lah...what happened to our WORLD???........... Macam Macam Ada................ hehehe

His name is Drake a.k.a "Cheek" and man...!!! He's a total hottie!!!! Darn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..Lambert AGAIN!...

He's very addictive, ya' know!!! Hehehehe
He's on 'Rolling Stone' Magazine and he is looking 'OH Man!!!' You know what I mean???'....
Got this from his Official Web...
Thought the snake was not real!! It's REAL, BABY!!!!' cool kan =D
Whoever Fans of him, gotta check his =Behind the scene Cover Shoot!!=

- - - - Article from-Rolling Stone Mag - - - - - -

American Idol’s glamtastic runner-up Adam Lambert opens up in the next issue of Rolling Stone, speaking frankly about his sexuality, though he doesn’t think his revelation is particularly shocking.

“I don’t think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear that I’m gay,” Lambert says in the new issue of Rolling Stone, hitting newsstands this week. Video click Here

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