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...Had a BAD Day!...

After writing about 'the 1st Day @school' ... I was so excited to see her reaction and can't wait to hear what's she going to tell me. I went out around 10-ish... got my groceries done... Reached her school earlier, so I sat and wait and peep her in the classroom.

She did not mix with other kids, she's on her teacher's lap sitting and talking.... Oh well, it's her 1st day, I can't aspect everything gotta be the 'A'.... never mind!

Bell rings!! Riiiiiiiiinnnnng~~~~~~~~~!

I opened the door and I saw her wit ha sour face! :{ I asked her why? Then she replied "Mamma, where were you? I've been looking for you, the teacher said you go pee pee". I smiled!
Mamma : I was outside talking to another teacher about your school.
Fra: But I missed you already, why don't come sit with me?
Mamma: Ok. Tomorrow I'll sit with you, ok?
Fra: But, I don't like the school. And I dont want togo to school tomorrow!
Mamma : Alamak@!!@!@@@@###!!! Only the 1st day! *sabar*

So in the car, while driving back home. We continued to talk. Talk punya talk! BANG!!! WhoopS!!
I bang people's car! Dammit!!!!!!!!!! Yea I know my fault! Was at the roundabout junction, I saw on my right there's no car around, so I assumed the car in front of me will drive & go without stopping, tapi he stop lah pula. So emergency break......and BANG!

Shite!! BIG Shite!Bad Luck!Bad Day!

Got home. Cooked lunch for francesca. Wake husband up. Explained. Got cuci telinga a bit!
Without wasting my time, I drove out and go to the police station for insurance purposes. .. Summoned RM300. Was there making report at 1.30pm... Dont around 2pm. But need to wait another officer for his signature!! OH man!!! I have already a bad day, and now I have to wait!!!!
Got his signature at 3.40pm! Bloody Hell! Now I was asked to ready few documentation tomorrow for me to get another report!!!!!!!!!!! PHEEWIT!!! THIS IS SUPER - DUPER BAD BAD DAY!!!!!Why just cant the previous officer tell me to get ready such documents while I am waiting this bloody signature officer!!!!!!!!!!! Buat banyak kerja saja!!!!!!!!!!! I hate people like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*

Got home. Shower. Rest. @6.30pm went to work. I'm stoned! I'm tired!My back hurts!My lens dry... no mood to work! But have no choice lah!
Time checked @9pm. I wish to go back home and sleep... Received phone call from Hubby..His car keys left inside the car..... very clever!!!! Sudah lah bad day!!!!!! Now tambah lagi his one!!!! He asked me to take the spare key in the house and bring the key to him in Telipok!!!!!!!!!! MATAI lah!!!!!!!!! Sabar!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But have no choice!!!!!!!!!!
I'm about to go out from the restaurant, phone rang. He said, 'no need, we managed to open the car'............. Oh, relief for a moment@!@@@@#
So I don't need go back to work, drove home............ Francesca was already asleep in the car, and myself...got my shower done then..........crawl on the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!! And forget the problems for awhile!!!!!!!!!! Nite Nite!
A good day to remember........ Mid date, Mid Month & Mid year of 2009.

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