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...'The truth of Water'..

found this article & thought wanna share to you :p
We bust the myths on the world's most precious resource.. WATER!

** Too much can kill you!!!
The recommended intake for water is eight glasses per day, but over drinking water can be fatal!!! Last year, a woman died after drinking almost six liters of water in three hours during a Nintendo Wii contest. Though such cases of water intoxication are rare, experts advise that if you're drinking alot, do take note od symthoms of hyponatremia, such as lightheadedness, nausea and swelling...
= adakah like that??too much also can kill.. too sikit also can kill... haiiiii....... I drank not even 8 glasses per day, I think maybe just 2-3 glasses... so how?? banyak lagi tu beer sia minum... hehee

** Hot or Cold: does it matter??
Whether hot or cold, experts say that the temperature doesn't matter. In fact, they advise to go with whatever goes down well with the individual. There has been no scientific evidence to indicate that cold water is really unhealthy or that warm or water at room temperature promotes digestion.
= hehehe this one applies most to the cina-cina bah..i guess!! but me also do the same thing, its just matter of believing it or not :p klu westerners I dont think they believe such thing.!!

** Bottled or tap: which is better??
Bottled water sproting a pristine mountain spring on its packaging may look invigorating to some, but don't let the pretty packaging fool you. Some brands simply package tap water. If you are still uncertain about bow safe the tap water really is, get a tap filter.
= Tap filter should be safe. In my house, I dont boil water for drinking (unless making coffee, yes lah) I buy Mineral water bottled 3 ctns for 2 weeks! ok mah like that, no need to boil and isi water.. hehehe

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