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..Teka teki cum jokes....

Yea, I know..teka teki cum jokes should be tell 'Live'.. main tulis-tulis mana siok..? ermmm ok also bah, you guys can create the tone and sound of these Jokes mah... just read also can :p I have this girl friend, suka betul she tells joke/teka teki.. sampai terbahak-bahak sia katawa.. if can sia mau berguling di lantai!!!!

Bah.. let's begin#1
Sebanyak- banyak suku kaum,
suku kaum apa yang tidak pandai tidur...?
ANS= suku-riti LOL
Apa pintu yang tidak boleh di tolak...???
ANS= pintu yang kana tulis 'TARIK' hehehehehe
Sebanyak-banyak menteri, menteri apa yang tidak pandai OFF..?
ANS= menteri hussein ONN wuahahahahha
Few ladies were drinking with glass of wine,
one of them almost finished hers
and asked another glass and said:
"can I have another glass of wine"?
Here comes the boy with a glass of wine...
Yang si palui nih, bring the glass of wine without a 'wine' in it!! EMPTY glass
he replied 'cos she said another glass of wine' . . .

7 says:

it's 119am.. so sia malas mau fikir.. ill just wait for answer here... lol... in the mean time.. sia fikir fikir la..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009  

wee baru sa baca tu soalan pun sudah sa katawa tiada suara (sbb di ofis gia)sakit perut ni..
walaupun sa tia tau tu jawapan..

sa pun mcm vsk..monunggu..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009  

hehehehehe... nah!! at least ive made you guys katawa!!! hehehe
bah ada byk lagi nih...
nanti2 sia kastau.. =D

Tuesday, February 10, 2009  

suku kaum as in race ka? apa o...

pintu besi..??

Thursday, February 12, 2009  

hehehhee... bah nanti ni mlm sia kasih katawa korang.. =D

Thursday, February 12, 2009  

NanC.. hahahaah thanks for a good laugh. Funny oh! Its been a while since I heard malaysian jokes. Anymore?

Saturday, February 21, 2009  

banyak lagi Bit....
tunggu sja...mau kumpul2 dulu... =D

Saturday, February 21, 2009  

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