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...Bedtime Stories...

I know.
I should have bought this long time ago...
Been eye-ing this book quite awhile. It took me few days to think whether to buy it or not!
mmmmyay! Today, I finally have it :D

The question is, I dont know how long it takes for me to finish reading this...

well, I will try... since this book is my favorite!! Have to skip the rest of the book dulu lah.... hehehe
True Blood Collection. & Vol I..Vampire Diaries.... (can't find the rest vol... :( I hope its already out...) need to ask the Book's expert.. S.K :D

6 says:

sanggup baaaaaaaa... mataiiiiii

Friday, April 23, 2010  

iya... I cant imagine myself to do this either... I managed to finish the V.D book in 3 days... WOW.. clap clap clap... hahhaha
Sampai mau juling2 my mato !!! and yes the story in the book much diff than the tv....

now, my start the TB suda...
nyek nye nye

Friday, April 23, 2010  

halooo.. u shud get the other version of VD.. the one yg warna hitam & got half face tu cover dia.. coz that one 2 in 1 tu.. and ur collection tidak rusak nanti.. semua sama style.. ada 5 suda tu buku dia.. yg terbaru baaaaaaaaru keluar .. siok eh.. si elina tersuka-suka suda sama si damon.. hehheheh

as for ur Sookie's story.. 1 week boleh habis tu.. esp after bill jadi watak sampingan.. HOT ni.. HOTTTTTTTT.. gila eh..

tapi macam ada 1 buku ko termiss.. aisey .. sia pun lupa suda..

Friday, April 23, 2010  

oh you're a truly experttttt.. heheh
OH really???

Adeeeii... d book store only 1 version of VD.. I saw VD yg besar sikit buku dia, yep i think its half face, but not complete..itulah sia inda beli.. so this one is Volume 1.. its not too late...

TB... what is missing??? how can b missing o klu sia beli one pack colletion.... derang mau tipu sia ka nih???

Yea in the movie c Elena pun mcm mau start2 suka Damon suda... waahhh so cepat oso u read ah... hehehe me sampai mata juling o... lama inda membaca..... hahaha

Saturday, April 24, 2010  

=@ vomit blood.. bah kasi cerita la sia... sia malas ni mau baca.. unless its reallly reaaaaaalllyyyyy recommended macam twilight... =P

Tuesday, April 27, 2010  

Im sure ur sis will cerita to you all about it!!!!
But I guess better watch the series lah.... buli stim sambil tingu muka derang.... ;-p

Twilight??? hmmmm not so HOT compare to the VD Brothers... sori ler..not Twilight fans... hehehhehe.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010  

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