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...Any Changes?...

Today,only the 4th day of 2010.. Anything has change your life in these few days?? For me, nothing has change anything YET! Besides for not having menses for almost 36days..that is NEW for me!! Don't be so happy, it's -.

Does everyone has their new year resolution? Do you actually commit about it?
hmmmm for me, well....... ( fingers crossed lg tu ). . was already planned last year on Nov to have a second baby :D and if it's negative (which shown today -) A
zam baru konon, wanna slim down... hehehhee islim islim betul, just like my figure when I wasss..... oh tell me about it :) so, that is one of my azam lah konon.. Ive gained errrr .. 4kg!!! Shiteeee!!! thats all the booze, booze, and booze.... food w
ise ..hmmm ( I love to cook ) so, no doubt lah.. Ive lost count for how many time I opened/checked out my fridge... :D
the #2.
To rajin-rajin goto church. So my Francesca at least aware a
bout Christianity :) 'blueehhhkk' ..
( ni mamma bah pamalas! inda payah go mass at 8am also lazy... 'sigh') So this time, mesti mesti go........ already set nih!

I cant list it all now, as I know pandai tukar ... as for now thats the TOP one and A MUST!

So, also today. My girl 1st day at school in Kindergarte
n.... Happy about it at first (at home).. then in the car, sempat lagi request song (Time For Mi
racle).. untuk kasih ilang sedih maybe... hahhaha.. SO BLOODY JAMMED!!! I hate it! NEway, arrived school. She start diam already, no noise/sound from her..I stayed with her for 10mins.. she did cry ( with face covered ) when I said Im leaving n gonna pick her up later, then go eat n swim... she just nod but still (cry main tahan) cos malu :( But its alright...

#3. Gonna start to run abit. A good timing anyway, right after sending Francie to go, then just few mins to the Sport complex... there you go!!! Fresh air early in the morning, less pp & what else?l... yes!! :D

SO far, itu sja lah... mau pikir2 dulu.... cos sometimes pandai change :D kan, kan,kan....?

Bah, anyway, apa-apa pun its all inside you. whatever you feel want to do, go for it! Follow your heart..

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