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...she's 4..

My lil girl turned 4yrs old today... yeah, see how time fliesssssssss so fast :D

yeah.. 4 years old!
but she always say ' Im not big yet, Im still small..' She got funny mixes character of
( papa & mamma ) hmm dunno which one she got the most, but from what I can see most of it from papa :D ..what is from mamma..? the stubbornness!!!! HAHA.
Pandai meradang.. pandai menjawap.. pandai say'Youre not good, I draw 'X' on you" .. but what I impressed the most is..She's such a good helper. She help me to clean / pick up the mess and she pick up her own toys & putting in proper place... Good girl :D
NEway, happy birthday my patatina... we'll celebrate your birthday this Friday.. hope you'll enjoy it... tanti baci.

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