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Gonna get a new tattoo today,
and my heartbeat already start to pump :)
I'm having a second and (maybe) third

Can't remember the pain already.
All I can do is. TAHAN =D
The Result...

After 2rhs in PAIN!
* * *
And this is the new tats for Marce =D
After 4hrs in PAIN!!!!!!!

* * * * * * * *

I AM. . .
..An Earth Fairy!..

Earth fairies are are healers, like water fairies, and unlike water fairies that can heal the spirit, earth fairies can heal the body. They like to pick berries, nuts, leaves and flowers. Like don't like very much meat, sometimes fish or bugs, but not often. They live under flowers, in trees, on leaves, or in logs. They wear flowers, nuts, and sometimes the rich fairies wear cloth. They dress a little skimpy, but they don't act inappropriate. They are really sweet, and are always helping others. They make friends easily, and fear River Pixies. Sometimes, they aren't brave, and will hide in the face of danger. Earth fairies are sweet, and cute. Your character is: Vabella Vanilla Iceweb, or Vanibell Icemist. Based off of Sierra, or Paris!

2 says:

no worries...u will be numb after few minutes and after that its all euphoria....hehehehehe....i miss getting inked too ;)

Thursday, August 06, 2009  

I know that =D
Now thinking for another one.. HAHA

Friday, August 07, 2009  

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