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.."For the LOVE of GOD"...

( whoever read this, I know it's my personal stuff, but hey.. Im open-minded.. it just a sharing )

This song, especially the lead guitar tunes. ..I remembered.. This is the song that has made my lust gone away, not only that.. was my 1st time =D I wouldn't say it was a FANTASTIC one, since I am new to it =D In fact, I am a fast learner.. HAHA.
This is the most romantic music that Ive ever heard for doing 'that thing' ... anyone agreed with me? HAHA .. oh well, different people different taste lah... I know =D
Im not shy for sharing this. We are all adult bah =D.
Yep, that was the time... He recommended this song and this song was on 'REPEAT' for all night long!!! I liked when that lead guitar tunes on a higher notes... OH makes me so melt and loose................. somebody has to agree with me this... kan?
Imagining both of you were laying down surrounded by aromatic candles on, red painted wall + glass windows in between, black covered sheet and soft bed, white colored floor, hmmm and bla bla.... I know its a bit too much... like Ive said.. IMAGINATION =D (I do actually wish it tho')
Should listen the original one, but the concert not too bad too =D. .
Its good for tension and stress relief, close your eyes and let it go..

ENJOY peeps =D

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