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...Say NO to Coffee...

It's been over twenty years that I take 'Coffee'.. yeah I know its addictive.. doesn't care where and when? Coffee is a MUST!!! Cant resist the purity of its aroma and taste...

BUT... 2weeks ago, Ive decided to give it up. Say NO to Coffee... It wasnt as difficult to let go off my system.. maybe bcos that Ive stopped smoking for a long time, for that reason I dont have the urge to have Coffee..
Ive found a replacement 'Coffee' to 'Tea'... there must be Coffee or Tea... right??
A very tasteful, aromatic, refreshing, Caffeine Free (is important) and all natural ingredients too! cool eh.. feeling so healthy :) yeah, it's ~Echinacea & Raspberry Tea, Green Jasmine Tea & Raspberry Strawberry&Longanberry~ sound good, isn't it? Yes of course!
So, arent you going to say NO to Coffee, too? :p

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